1: 1. Fatigue 2. Pale Skin 3. Brittle Nails

2: 4. Hair Loss 5. Muscle Weakness 6. Slow Wound Healing

3: 7. Mouth Ulcers 8. Poor Night Vision 9. Bone Pain

4: 10. Irregular Heartbeat 11. Frequent Infections 12. Cognitive Decline

5: 13. Restless Legs 14. Depression 15. Tingling Sensations

6: 16. Weight Gain 17. Cracks at Corners of Mouth 18. Bleeding Gums

7: 19. Shortness of Breath 20. Dry and Rough Skin 21. Dizziness

8: 22. Muscle Cramps 23. Cognitive Impairment 24. Poor Immune Function

9: 25. Constipation 26. Joint Pain 27. Changes in Taste and Smell.